Search Illinois Births, Marriages and Deaths
Recommended Illinois Genealogy Records:
Illinois Genealogy - has online databases of military records, obituaries, cemeteries, school yearbooks, and more...
Illinois Genealogy Queries - free public exchange where you can find other genealogists researching the same family lines as yours.
Illinois Cemeteries - Look up burial records of veterans and families interred at national cemeteries across the country.
Illinois Public Records - Access to Illinois births, marriages, deaths and divorces.
Illinois State Archives
Illinois State Archives - provides an excellent library of genealogy records including: Land Sales Records, Probate Records, Military Records, Federal Census Records, State Census Records, African–American Records, Death Records, Illinois State Genealogical Society Microfilm Collection and Prairie Pioneer Certificates.
Illinois State Archives
Norton Building
Capitol Complex
Springfield, Illinois 62756
Phone: (217) 782-4682
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Researchers are invited to visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except State holidays. Because the Historical Library is a research institution, material must be used in the Library. The staff will provide photocopies of specifically designated material (subject to the provisions of the U. S. copyright law) from the printed, manuscript, newspaper, and photograph collections. There is a charge for photocopies and a limit may be imposed. Newspapers and other material on microfilm and selected books may be borrowed on interlibrary loan through any local public, college, or university library.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Reference Department
Old State Capitol
Springfield, Illinois, 62701
Phone: (217) 524 7216
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
NARA maintains the best goverment source for federal records such as the U.S. Census Records, Social Security Death Index, Federal Land Patent Records, Naturalization Records, and Maps:
National Archives Chicago Illinois
7358 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, Illinois 60629-5898
(773) 948-9019
Selected LDS Family History Centers
The following family history centers in Illinois offer the most comprehensive genealogy resources, including census records, death records, family history records, obituaries, marriage records, vital records, court records, and various other public records.:
Hyde Park Illinois
5200 S University Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
(773) 493-1830
Nauvoo Illinois
165 North Wells Street
Nauvoo, Illinois
(217) 453-6347
Quincy Illinois
210 Cardinal Terrace
Quincy, Illinois
(217) 224-3220
Springfield Illinois
3601 Buckeye Dr
Springfield, Illinois
(217) 529-7930