Search Maryland Births, Marriages and Deaths
Recommended Maryland Genealogy Records:
Maryland Genealogy - has online databases of military records, obituaries, cemeteries, school yearbooks, and more...
Maryland Genealogy Queries - free public exchange where you can find other genealogists researching the same family lines as yours.
Maryland Cemeteries - Look up burial records of veterans and families interred at national cemeteries across the country.
Maryland Public Records - Access to Maryland births, marriages, deaths and divorces.
Maryland State Archives
The Maryland State Archives provides an excellent library of genealogy records including: Court Records, Dates of Birth and Death, Genealogy Web Sites, Ethnic Groups, Land Records, Libraries and Archives, Maiden Names, Military Records, Missing Records, Naturalizations and Immigration, Parents of an Individual, Places of Residence, Probate Records, Published Sources and more ...
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: (410) 260-6400
Library of Maryland History
The Library of Maryland History houses some of the nation's most extensive and important historical resources, all of which are available to the public. The library maintains an extraordinary collection of books, journals, manuscripts, newspapers, maps, photographs, prints, broadsides, pamphlets, obsolete currency, oral histories, ephemera, and microfilm reflecting the history of Maryland and its people.
Library of Maryland History
201 W. Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21201
Phone: (410) 685-3750
Selected LDS Family History Centers
The following family history centers in Maryland offer the most comprehensive genealogy resources, including census records, death records, family history records, obituaries, marriage records, vital records, court records, and various other public records.:
Annapolis Maryland
1875 Ritchie Highway
Annapolis, Maryland
(410) 757-4173
Frederick Maryland
199 N Place
Frederick, Maryland
(301) 698-0406
Washington D.C.
10000 Stoneybrook Drive
Kensington, Maryland
(301) 587-0042
Hancock Maryland
200 Douglas St. Ext
Hancock, Maryland
(301) 678-6007