Search Utah Births, Marriages and Deaths
Recommended Utah Genealogy Records:
Utah Genealogy - has online databases of military records, obituaries, cemeteries, school yearbooks, and more...
Utah Genealogy Queries - free public exchange where you can find other genealogists researching the same family lines as yours.
Utah Cemeteries - Look up burial records of veterans and families interred at national cemeteries across the country.
Utah Public Records - Access to Utah births, marriages, deaths and divorces.
Utah State Archives
The Utah State Archives is the official repository for permanent government records of Utah state agencies, courts, counties, and cities. Among the records in their collection are: Birth and Death records, Military records, Probate records, Court records, Naturalization records, Cemetery records, Prison records, Land records, County tax ledgers, Motor vehicle license registrations, and more...
Utah State Archives
Corner of 500 North and Columbus Street
State Capitol Complex
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84114-1021
Phone: (801) 538-3012
Utah History Research Library
The Utah History Research Library is part of the Utah State Historical Society. The Research Library provides public access to Utah State Historical Society research collections. Among their collections are cemetery records, old newspapers, old yearbooks, old phone directories, among others.
Utah State Historical Society
300 Rio Grande
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Phone: (801) 533-3535
Selected LDS Family History Centers
The following family history centers in Utah offer the most comprehensive genealogy resources, including census records, death records, family history records, obituaries, marriage records, vital records, court records, and various other public records.:
Salt Lake City Utah
35 North West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150-3400
(801) 240-2331
St George Utah
410 South 200 East
St George, Utah
(435) 673-4591
Richfield Utah
175 West Center Street
Richfield, Utah
(435) 896-8057
Moab Utah
300 South 100 East
Moab, Utah
(435) 259-5563