Vermont State Archives and Libraries

Vermont state archives

Research resources for genealogists and family historians

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Search Vermont Births, Marriages and Deaths

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Recommended Vermont Genealogy Records:

Vermont Genealogy - has online databases of military records, obituaries, cemeteries, school yearbooks, and more...

Vermont Genealogy Queries - free public exchange where you can find other genealogists researching the same family lines as yours.

Vermont Cemeteries - Look up burial records of veterans and families interred at national cemeteries across the country.

Vermont Public Records - Access to Vermont births, marriages, deaths and divorces.


Vermont State Archives

The Vermont State Archives provides an excellent library of materials useful for genealogical research, including the Nye Index, which is an name and subject index to 18th and 19th Century (mostly pre-1840) Vermont state records (called the Manuscript Vermont State Papers. They also have surveys, maps, and lotting plans, and the Stevens Collections, which includes transcripts of public and private documents pertaining to 18th-Century Vermont history, and original 18th- and 19th-Century court records, legislative records, surveys, custom house records, and the papers of notable Vermonters including Ethan, Ira, and Levi Allen.

Vermont State Archives
Redstone Building
26 Terrace Street -Drawer 09
Montpelier, Vermont 05609-1101

Phone: (802) 828-2363


Vermont Historical Society Library

The Vermont Historical Society Library provides an excellent library of genealogy records including: Published state and local history, genealogy, and periodicals, Published military service records and pension lists, Cemetery inscriptions, WPA graves index for soldiers buried in Vermont, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records on microfilm, CD-ROM databases including US census through 1870, Manuscripts, maps, photographs, broadsides, and more....

Vermont Historical Society Library
60 Washington Street
Barre, Vermont 05641-4209

Phone: (802) 479-8500


Selected LDS Family History Centers

The following family history centers in Vermont offer the most comprehensive genealogy resources, including census records, death records, family history records, obituaries, marriage records, vital records, court records, and various other public records.:

Bennington Vermont
Houghton Lane
Bennington, Vermont

(802) 442-8126

Montpelier Vermont
Hersey Road
Berlin, Vermont

(802) 229-0482


Rutland Vermont
637 North Shrewsbury Road
North Clarendon, Vermont

(802) 773-8346

South Royalton Vermont
Dairy Hill Rd
South Royalton, Vermont

(802) 763-7784

Vermont State Archives and Libraries
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