Search Washington Births, Marriages and Deaths
Recommended Washington Genealogy Records:
Washington Genealogy - has online databases of military records, obituaries, cemeteries, school yearbooks, and more...
Washington Genealogy Queries - free public exchange where you can find other genealogists researching the same family lines as yours.
Washington Cemeteries - Look up burial records of veterans and families interred at national cemeteries across the country.
Washington Public Records - Access to Washington births, marriages, deaths and divorces.
Washington State Archives
The Washington State Archives is the official repository for permanent government records of Washington state agencies. Among the records in their collection are: Ancestry Plus, Biographical Resources, Birth and Death Registers 1891-1907, Birth Records Index 1907-1929, City and County Directories, County Histories, Daughters of the American Revolution Publications, Death Records Index 1907-2000, Divorce Records Index 1968-1999, Abstracts and Indexes to the records of the Washington Territorial District Courts 1854-1889, Gazetteers and Business Directories, Indian War Muster Rolls 1855-1856, Maps and Atlases, Marriage and Divorce Records pre-1968, Marriage Records Index 1968-1999, Naturalization, Probate, and other Court Records, Newspapers 1853-Present, School Censuses, Telephone Directories, Territorial Assessment Rolls, Territorial Censuses, United States Census, and more...
Washington State Archives
1129 Washington Street SE
Olympia, Washington
Phone: (360) 586-1492
The Washington State Library
The Washington State Library has materials in addition to the Washington State Archives, including Biographical Resources, Birth Indexes, City and County Directories, County Histories, DAR publications, Death Indexes, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Old Newspapers, Telephone Directories, and more.
The Washington State Library
520 Union Avenue SE
Olympia, Washington 98504-0220
Phone: (360) 902-4151
Selected LDS Family History Centers
The following family history centers in Washington offer the most comprehensive genealogy resources, including census records, death records, family history records, obituaries, marriage records, vital records, court records, and various other public records.:
Seattle Washington
5701 8th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington
Spokane Washington
E 13608 40th
Spokane, Washington
Yakima Washington
1006 South 16th Avenue
Yakima, Washington
Olympia Washington
1116 Yew Avenue NE
Olympia, Washington